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Successful Digital Transformation – 6 Essential Pillars

The path to digital transformation is not easy. When it comes to executing digital initiatives today, business executives confront enormous obstacles ranging from attracting and retaining people in a tight labor market to avoiding continual security concerns.

If you’ve ever led a company through a technology or culture shift, you know how challenging it can be, especially now that we’re dealing with all of the additional changes brought on by the COVID-19 epidemic.

Applying a very little emotional intelligence to your team’s goals can make all the difference, especially in these tough times.

The six concepts listed below can assist you in making your company stronger and more competitive.

Be Open-Minded.

Allow for thinking, activity, and creativity to be free. Create an environment in which everyone in your company believes they have the authority to make changes.

The majority of companies do not place a high value on having a “open” workplace culture.

If you start prioritizing transparency, new employees must be informed of and integrated into the new culture you’re building.

The key to digital transformation is being conscious of your personal openness as well as the rest of your organization’s current culture.

Be Considerate

Consider your objectives on a regular basis, assess your progress toward achieving them, and adjust your strategy as needed.

If you think your company is just going through the motions without wondering why you’re probably on the wrong track.

Be Considerate

You will be far more likely to acquire the buy-in and creativity needed to initiate change if you take the time and effort to understand others’ viewpoints.

Understand the perspectives of your coworkers, customers, and vendors.

You will see that variety of thinking makes teams more successful and organizations stronger if you can acknowledge your differences and have a shared concept of success.

Cooperative creation is used to put great ideas into action.

Be Welcoming To All.

A more successful staff is one that is diverse. Companies in the top quadrant for age diversity are 35 percent more likely to generate investment rewards above their respective industry medians, according to a McKinsey & Co. analysis.

Diversity encourages inclusive thinking and ideas, which are necessary in today’s workplace.

Promote diversity and inclusion thought by encouraging positive acts from your workers, contractors, and vendors to attract and retain top talent.

Modern meritocracy is about allowing the finest ideas to emerge through inclusive thought rather than listening exclusively to the loudest views.

Allow Yourself To Fail.

We’ve all heard that accepting failure is a sign of progress since it demonstrates that you tried to improve, which leads to positive organizational learning.

Detail what is working well and what is not working well at frequent intervals throughout your transformation, and revisit these notes at regular intervals and at the end of the project. 

Begin by gathering information to determine how many members of your team are willing to admit that they had to change course or that someone else had to address a bug or issue.

The willingness of team members to speak up will reflect your readiness to accept failure and move forward.

The more transparently recorded data you acquire, the more willing you will be to embrace it.

The actual advantage of this technique is that failure can happen quickly, allowing your team to move on rather than investing time, money, and other resources on a strategy that will ultimately fail.

If you insist that “failure is not an option,” you’ll end up overspending on resources and missing deadlines as your team becomes locked in a loop of high effort and little change.

Success Should Be Celebrated.

Celebrating achievement should be the easiest part of preparing your staff for change, but nearly half of American workers today feel underappreciated.

A lack of recognition for effort and performance topped the list of workplace grievances in a Clear Review workplace study.

“A stunning 40% of employees, from a varied range of professions and positions, claimed that employee appreciation was just not a priority in their organization, something that hindered their drive to fully achieve,” according to a story.

Employees who believe that their efforts and accomplishments go unnoticed – or, worse, that they are only recognized when something goes wrong – are more likely to underperform.

So make it a point to recognize employee accomplishments on an individual, team, organizational, and corporate level – it will motivate everyone to do their best.


These points are the essential key factors to unlock any door of success in terms of digital transformation.

It must be noted that digital transformation is a very developing platform and people need to accept it with full precautions.

Also read digitization vs digitalization vs digital transformation

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